Wizard – Bid Window
“Stop” means to stop bidding. This bidding agent will not be charged and
they will be placed in the shared best-effort queue.
“Upload” uploads the configuration
to the garaged agent. Note that this
will change some advanced settings to those assumed by this simple valuation
and strategy model.
This simple budget-based valuation
model has the bidding agent attempt to get as much bandwidth as possible
without exceeding the budget number.
The strategy is based on the
formula: price-per-unit-bandwidth *
bandwidth-allocated = total-price-paid, where the total-price-paid (“budget”)
is held constant, and the other two variables allowed to be altered.
Following this strategy, the bidder
will first attempt to get all the bandwidth the seller is offering for their
budgeted amount, which works out to the lowest possible
price-per-unit-bandwidth. If
unsuccessful, the bidding agent gradually increases the offered
price-per-unit-bandwidth and decreases the desired amount of bandwidth, until
they successfully win an allocation.
If all bidders follow this
valuation model, they will each get a bandwidth allocation that is the same
proportion to total bandwidth as their budget is to the combined budgets of all