The Merkato administrator configures the maximum amount of bandwidth The amount of data transmitted or received per unit of time. When we refer to acquiring or selling bandwidth, we mean the amount of information that can be sent over a connection at one time, at the allowed speed, without packet loss or excessive delay. Bandwidth is measured in bits-per-second. available in the Reservation market The Merkato market mechanism by which a specified quantity of bandwidth, for a specific duration, is sold for a firm price specified by the seller and agreed to by the buyer. This is an automated process based on a rate sheet that the seller establishes in advance. via settings in the Resource The bandwidth service that is offered through a single Merkato marketplace. It will have service attributes, an available quantity earmarked for it by the NSP, and a market mechanism for distributing bandwidth (either the spot market The Merkato mechanism by which bandwidth is traded, in a progressive second price auction. An optimal fair market price is established and bandwidth is allocated to buyers, based on their bids relative to other buyers. or reservation market).agent The program that interacts with the rest of Merkato on behalf of buyers and sellers. Buyers can acquire bandwidth by configuring their agents to offer the price they are willing to pay for a range of available quantity, or use their agent to request a quote for a fixed-price bandwidth reservation. Sellers configure their agents with a quantity of bandwidth for sale and a minimum price they are willing to accept for that quantity.. Using a buy-back agent, it is possible to adjust the bandwidth more dynamically. You can have your Merkato administrator create your own reservation-market Buyer agent, and use it to obtain bandwidth on your behalf. This bandwidth is off the market for the duration of the reservation and returned to the market at the end of the reservation—or sooner if you cancel the reservation. Freeing up bandwidth by having the buy-back agent cancel reservations lets you offer more bandwidth instantly without the appearance of changing the quantity.