Choice of Interface

You can choose from among interfaces to set preferences and get information. The User Interface menu gives you three choices.

(The Wizard In Merkato, an automated series of inquiry screens that walks you through the process of creating and configuring a buyer agent.does not currently support seller configuration. If you select the Wizard an error message appears.)

When you are not interacting with your desktop agent you should upload it to the garage. This is critical for Seller agents on the desktop because if the Seller agent ceases to bid from the desktop the auction stops. (See “Upload Function” in Seller’s Guide to Using Merkato.)

Java on Your Browser

If your browser is not configured for Java A programming language, useful for internet and networking applications. The environment used for the Merkato Desktop The Merkato desktop is the first window that appears when the user begins to bring the Merkato buyer or seller agent to their desktop. It lets users specify which Merkato agent or agents they want to download to the desktop. Interface. version 1.3.1 you must download it before you can run a Desktop agent. You can allow Merkato to do this automatically, or you can download it directly from the link provided in the login page.

There are later versions of Java, but we do not recommend using them.