The Express interface is an HTML version of the Desktop interface, with some significant differences:
The Express interface is meant to support advanced users who know what the fields mean and wish to have a quick way to check agent status or make configuration changes.
(See Express Agent.)
The Express agent is the first screen you see when you log in on the Merkato Portal The unique market mechanism by which Merkato allocates bandwidth to potential buyers at an optimal market price. An auction is established, where each bid consists of a unit price and the quantity desired at that price. Bidders are ranked according to the unit price they offer. Bidders who get an allocation pay the unit price offered by the lowest accepted bidder. (This is the "second price" aspect of the auction.) Bidders who don't get an allocation can re-bid at a higher unit price, in an attempt to improve their ranking in the auction. (This is the "progressive" aspect of the auction.) An auction round closes when all bidders are either successful, based on their last bid, or cannot match the price offered by the current lowest successful bidder. .
When you first log in, the window looks like the one below.
You must configure the Express agent to bid using an automatic strategy. (Manual is available but not supported.) An automatic strategy changes your bid continually according to your valuation settings and market conditions. It bases the bid on the market price The price for something that buyers and sellers agree on. Merkato establishes a market price for bandwidth during each spot market auction round. There is a fixed amount for sale, so as demand increases, prices rise. The market price is reached when the cumulative demand of all the buyers is exactly equal to the amount of bandwidth being offered by the seller. , your valuation parameters, and the amount it is informed it would receive if no more bids were submitted (and this auction round closed).
Use of a manual strategy (submitting each bid manually) is not supported through the Express interface, but this strategy setting will be indicated if previously configured (and uploaded) via the Desktop interface.
(See Merkato Buyers’ Reference Manual, “Strategy Overview.”)
You must also configure the Express agent with a valuation method.
Your valuation settings indicate the maximum you are willing to pay for a range of bandwidth The amount of data transmitted or received per unit of time. When we refer to acquiring or selling bandwidth, we mean the amount of information that can be sent over a connection at one time, at the allowed speed, without packet loss or excessive delay. Bandwidth is measured in bits-per-second.. In the course of an auction, your agent uses this valuation information to determine whether to bid, how much bandwidth to ask for, and how much to offer, in response to changing market conditions.
In the Express interface, you can view and change settings for inactive or the active valuation. You do this by making a selection under the “Valuation View” pull-down menu. The valuation parameters automatically change to reflect the selected valuation. To make the new valuation active, click Apply. The “Current Valuation” display changes to the valuation currently being viewed, and the agent begins bidding using the new valuation profile and settings.
(See Merkato Buyers’ Reference Manual, “Valuations Overview.”)
The Active and Inactive radio buttons at the top of the window control whether the Express agent is running.
The Refresh and Apply buttons at the bottom of the window control communication with your agent:
For a complete description of fields in the Express Agent, see Merkato Buyers’ Reference Manual, “Express Agent.”
To bid for bandwidth from the Express agent, follow these steps:
Below is the Express interface, as it appears after you complete these procedures.
The Recent Allocation table shows bandwidth allocated to the current user and the amount charged for this bandwidth. Allocations are shown in order, most recent at the top (sorted by End Time). Each row corresponds to a single reservation (for Reservation market resources), and for an hourly roll-up of auction results (for Spot market resources). The Allocation Table indicates that Merkato auctions have been providing the desired results.
For a full description of Express agent fields, see Merkato Buyers’ Reference Manual, “Express Agent.”