For Merkato Buyers
For Merkato Sellers
What is Merkato?
Buyers, Sellers, and Agents in the Auction Market
The Resource Agent
Your Options as a Merkato Seller
Seller Type-of-Service Options
Seller Market Control Options
The Seller Agent Interface
Desktop Interface
Java on Your Desktop
Spot Market vs. Reservation Market
Downloading the Desktop Agent
Cascading on Merkato Desktop
Detached From Merkato Desktop
Arranging Sub-Windows within the Agent Window
Selling on the Spot Market
Spot Market Agent Window
Reservation Parameters
Upload Function
The Merkato Portal
Advanced Sellers Guide
Monitoring Sales Via the Desktop Agent
Monitoring Sales via the Express Interface
Merkato Auction Mechanism: The Progressive Second Price Auction
Valuation Formulas
Valuation Summary Chart
Units Conversion Chart