
Connecting and Starting Your Agent

The three icons at the upper left of the icon bar are, (from left to right) �Connect,� �Start,� and �Stop.�

When you first download an agent it may not be connected to the auction. Your agent cannot bid when it is disconnected, although you can set its configuration. When the connect symbol on the icon bar (on the far left) is un-depressed and un-colored the agent is disconnected.

When you connect to the auction, until you click the Start icon, you may observe the auction but you are not participating in it.

When you want to start bidding click the Start icon (second from left on the icon bar). Bidding starts immediately with the current settings.

To stop bidding, click the Stop icon (third from left on icon bar). Your agent stops bidding and is disconnected. To begin viewing the auction again you must connect again.