Once you have configured your valuation you must configure how your agent uses that information. There are two strategy options you can use in the Spot market: static and dynamic. (See “Spot Market Selling Strategy.”)
A green arrow in the menu-bar list indicates the currently active strategy.
Note: We do not recommend using the Static Seller strategy.
Under static seller pricing, the unit price for all bidders becomes the unit price of the last unit of bandwidth sold. Merkato sets this price via a Seller bidder that always loses at the highest possible price (and for the highest possible quantity) under the Progressive Second Price auction rules. (See “Merkato Auction Mechanism: The Progressive Second Price Auction.”)
With a Static strategy, the basis of all bidders’ pricing is nearly always the floor price as offered by the seller’s buy-back agent.
Under Dynamic seller pricing, the unit price for all bidders is the highest losing bid. Merkato gets this bid via a Seller bidder that always loses at the highest possible price (bid for the highest possible quantity) under the Progressive Second Price auction rules.
With a Static strategy, the basis of all bidders’ pricing is nearly always the floor price, as offered by the seller’s buy-back agent. In the Dynamic strategy, the seller receives the price offered by the lowest successful bidder times the quantity of bandwidth for sale.