Linear |
Square Root |
Budget |
Budget With Limits |
Logarithmic |
Parabolic |
Bandwidth Quantity |
Flexible, depending on availability |
Fluctuates with market |
Fluctuates with market |
Uses minimum and maximum range |
Fluctuates with market |
Fluctuates with market |
Price |
Fixed – price per unit |
Fluctuates with market |
Fluctuates with market |
Fluctuates with market |
Fluctuates with market |
Fluctuates with market |
Cost |
Proportional to quantity received |
Decreases with decreasing quantity |
Constant regardless of quantity received |
Constant if quantity received is within range |
Peaks at middle of quantity range |
Peaks at middle of quantity range |
Agent Actions |
Agent bids at constant unit price regardless of quantity. |
Agent increases bandwidth request as market price drops, and decrease request as price increases. |
Agent purchases all bandwidth possible for $XX. |
Agent will purchase bandwidth only up to X amount, even if price drops. |
Agent bids aggressively at the mid-point of a quantity range. Use if you want a certain bandwidth amount, but will take more at lower cost. |
Agent bids aggressively at the mid-point of a quantity range. Use if you want a certain bandwidth amount, but will take more at lower cost. Bids less aggressively than the Log valuation at lower amounts of bandwidth. |