Valuation Summary Chart


Square Root


Budget With Limits



Bandwidth Quantity

Flexible, depending on availability

Fluctuates with market

Fluctuates with market

Uses minimum and maximum range

Fluctuates with market

Fluctuates with market


Fixed – price per unit

Fluctuates with market

Fluctuates with market

Fluctuates with market

Fluctuates with market

Fluctuates with market


Proportional to quantity received

Decreases with decreasing quantity

Constant regardless of quantity received

Constant if quantity received is within range

Peaks at middle of quantity range

Peaks at middle of quantity range

Agent Actions

Agent bids at constant unit price regardless of quantity.

Agent increases bandwidth request as market price drops, and decrease request as price increases.

Agent purchases all bandwidth possible for $XX.

Agent will purchase bandwidth only up to X amount, even if price drops. 

Agent bids aggressively at the mid-point of a quantity range. Use if you want a certain bandwidth amount, but will take more at lower cost.

Agent bids aggressively at the mid-point of a quantity range. Use if you want a certain bandwidth amount, but will take more at lower cost.  Bids less aggressively than the Log valuation at lower amounts of bandwidth.